Congratulations to the District 14 ADDY Winners & National ADDY Finalists from AAF-Silicon Valley! 


Substance Video Series, PureMatter

Logo Beantime Logo, DDM
MyMuscle Web Application, WebEnertia
LegalForce, Mel Lindstrom Images
Respect Your Pickle Campaign, Yellow Bus
“Full Metal Jacket Diary” Video, WebEnertia
Ciena eHealth Mailer, CatapultWorks
Mynd Calendar App, Liquid Agency
MyMuscle Informational Website, WebEnertia
The Dictionary of Brand Book Design, Liquid Agency
Oberto Website, Zooka Creative
Chachos Integrated Campaign, Milagro Marketing LLC
RAE Systems “Fireman Surfer” Illustration, WebEnertia
Chromebook 11, Liquid Agency
Ficks Cocktail Fortifier Logo, Liquid Agency
(Responsive Design) MyMuscle Informational Website, WebEnertia
90 Days to Ellen campaign, PureMatter
“The End of Cats” Client Holiday Campaign 2013, PureMatter